Sunday, 20 February 2011

FYP Update

It's been a while since the last update. My short film is going great! It's been about 6 months since I properly started this project and I've been working on it non-stop, practically full time. The animation is mostly there now, I'm just doing all sorts of tweaks here and there to finesse the details and adding the final touches. I'd say it's about 85% complete by this stage, I want to spend a good 15% of the time to really clean up and polish the hell out of this piece to really push it to the next level. That means about another month of animation tweaking, I know it sounds crazy but I am a true believer of doing the best I can and love nothing more than a wonderful polish. 

From what I gather, most students get to around this point of 80% complete and call it finished mostly due to lack of time and possibly even being sick of the animation by this point. No one really spends quality time cleaning and polishing their animations these days! 

It's at this animation stage where tweaking to get better animation is also incredibly satisfying and rewarding that really boosts motivation! Yeah, this is me being motivated to keep going! Go go go :)

You can expect a finished render near the end of March and if I'm still not done by that time, you can start sending your hate mails. 


  1. How long is the short (no pun intended or required)?

  2. The short is about 1 min 14 seconds long!

  3. Sorry to keep bothering you but I've got my final year coming up in October: Did you also have the group short to make? Also, did you have to do all the preporoduction in the second year?

  4. You only have to do the group short film if you're on the BA Computer Animation course whereby you are forced to take the Creative Animation module(Group Project).

    However, if you don't want to do that, you can always swap over to BA Digital Character Animation and pick other modules, like I did.

    And no we don't have that Portfolio module you guys have in the 2nd year so we weren't forced to do pre-production for FYP. I did however start over the summer which is a really good idea if you want to have more time on the project!

  5. Tim, it's almost done now! 98% of the animation is complete. Render and post-production is expected to take a week so expect it near the end of April!
